Tuesday, April 26, 2011

You're Right it's not Fair

Med school is just as unfair as the world outside our walls. People with older simblings have the answers to tests...and they are usually the smartest people in the class...this leaves the first generation med schoolers to fight for their lives, for their positions in med school. Some lose. Dr. Missionary is going to get kicked out and she's had no help. And the smartest, the richest, the most able are the least willing to help those that need it. And it's b/c of the rat race to the top. The race that this stupid place fosters. It's the Dr. BONE-asses who have med school paid for, who have granite counter tops, tile floors, grocery deliver, and all the "it" people to know in order to get into whatever residency they want. And don't get me wrong, the strongest and smartest do work hard and bust their butts to a certain extent. But MAN, it must be nice to not have another worry other than school on your back.

I just ran into Dr. BONE-ass. I wish I had never, ever, ever, ever met him or found out that people like him exist. I will never, ever try to find a cure for diabetes.

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